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More versatility for the magazine pouches

The Magazine Pouch is made from Radilon, a high strength glass fiber reinforced nylon that gives the product great durability.

Produced to provide more practicality for the shooter during competition, the Magazine Pouch is universal, ambidextrous and multi-adjustable.

The main feature of the Magazine Pouch is its versatility, with an adapter kit that allows it to be adapted to monofilament or smaller caliber pouches, and also has adjustments that facilitate its use according to the athlete’s preferences, all allowing greater handling speed for the shooter:

Positioning parallel or perpendicular to the belt

Positioning in all directions and oblique directions,

Height in relation to the belt

Another distinctive feature of the product is that it can be detached from the belt and removed without losing the settings, which simplifies the transport of equipment and provides greater convenience for the shooter. In less than a minute it is possible to disassemble and store it, taking up less space on the GR backpack.

Possible adaptation or interchange with magnetic door loader versions.

Do not attach this product to AISI 304 stainless steel chargers, due to the lack of compatibility between the magnet and the material.

Video instruction manual

Verzögerte Bearbeitung während der Ferien. | 16.12. - 11.01. | Delayed response during holidays.

Black, Blue, Gray, Orange, Pink, Red, White, Yellow


Left handed, Right handed